
The ECOS4IN project has been approved for the ENTER Koprivnica aiming to stimulate innovation through the use of modern technologies

The industrial revolution is imminent and will affect all industrial sectors. Its impact on Industry 4.0 depends on the region's willingness to respond, accept and adopt change. The ECOS4IN project supports collaboration aiming at introducing innovation to companies and institutions in Central Europe.

The implementation of the international ECOS4IN project (full name Cross-border Ecosystem for Industry 4.0) began in April 2019 and will end in March 2022. The project involves 7 partners from 6 different countries. Enter Koprivnica as a partner in the project will cooperate with other partners and adopt good practice examples to prepare, empower and incorporate new technologies in the daily business of entrepreneurs active in this field.

The project will begin with a detailed analysis of the current situation of Industry 4.0 by implementing and creating the "ECOS4IN Knowledge Base" tool. The tool will be used by information centres, one of which will be centralized in Koprivnica in ENTER Koprivnica. In addition, the pilot projects will be carried out, where concrete examples will be shared with entrepreneurs in the field of new technologies.

The information provided by the analysis will be used in the process of describing the ecosystem model according to regional conditions and context. The last phase of the project is the development of action plans in all partner regions. The Action Plans aim to ensure the sustainability of the project and incorporate innovative technologies and processes into the day-to-day business. TheEnter Koprivnica will have the opportunity to present project materials and results to the Ministry of the Economy, Entrepreneurship and Crafts and the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds, to influence the improvement of strategies, especially the smart specialization strategy, which is based on investment based on knowledge and innovation.

The initial conference of the project was held from 27 to 29 May in Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic and was organized by the project promoter. In addition to the first partner meeting, the initial conference provided an opportunity to set up a three-year project schedule, schedule first project activities, and schedule tasks between partners.

The project ECOS4IN is funded by the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Program ( and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

21 08/2019
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