
CCSI4CCSI - Kick- off meeting

The CCSI4CCSI project partners came together for the online kick-off meeting on April 26. 
CCSI4CCSI is the acronym for “Cultural and Creative Services and Industries for Collaboration, Competitiveness, Sustainability, and Innovation”. It is a partnership of 8 organizations across 5 countries, i.e. Region of Central Macedonia & Business and Cultural Development Centre from Greece, Enter Koprivnica & City of Koprivnica from Croatia, Malopolska Regional Development Agency from Poland, Business Kolding from Denmark, and Design Region Kortrijk & City of Kortrijk from Belgium.

The project recognizes the significance of the Cultural and Creative Sectors and Industries (CCSI) in the EU’s GDP and workforce and at the same time addresses the challenges the sector faces, aiming to offer support and systematic changes through policy improvement.

During our first online meeting, all partners introduced themselves briefly and presented their organizations. An overview of the project was shared and then we discussed organizational matters, namely regular and financial reporting, and communication activities. Finally, the next online and physical meetings were decided.

02 05/2024
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