
Disseminating ECOS4IN project

In the Incubator of Creative Industries, the City of Koprivnica on June 18th 2020 held a public consultation on a project worth 14 million kuna for the modernization of public lighting. It is about replacing a little more than five thousand lamps that will be replaced with high-efficiency LED lighting with this public procurement. The value of the project at this time is estimated at 14 million kuna. As part of this event, the participants of this public conference were present the ECOS4IN project. In addition to basic information about the project, the participants were introduced to previous project activities and the establishment of the Digital Information Hub. Given that the City actively wants to be involved in digitalization processes, the establishment of the Hub as a gathering place for ecosystems left a positive impression on those present.

The project ECOS4IN is funded by the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Program ( and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund

19 06/2020
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